CCS3351 Mobile Application Development – Lesson 7 (Dart)

Dart is the open-source programming language originally developed by Google. It is meant for both server side as well as the user side. Dart is an object-oriented programming language and supports all oops concepts such as classes, inheritance, interfaces and optional typing features. It also supports advance concepts like mixin, abstract, classes, reified generic, and robust type system.

Dart and Flutter are two related technologies primarily used for building cross-platform mobile, web, and desktop applications.

Dart is the language while Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

In this tutorial, we learn about Dart basics. From data types to object oriented techniques, generics, abstracts, collections etc…

How to run Dart code?

  • Online Compiler: The online compiler which support Dart is Dart Pad (
  • IDE: The IDEs which support Dart are VSCode, Android Studio, WebStorm, Intellij, Eclipse, etc. Among them WebStorm from Jetbrains is available for Mac OS, Windows and Linux.
  • The dart program can also be compile through terminal by executing the code
    dart file_name.dart

Dart installation and setup

Generating a Dart project with VSCode

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + P (Mac) to open the command palette.
  • Type “Dart: New Project” and select it.
  • Choose “Console Application” as the project type.
  • Select a folder to create the project

/bin contains the main Dart code

/doc contains API documents generated by you

/lib contains your custom libraries

/test contains test cases


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