CCS3310 Software Engineering Methods – Lesson 9

What we did today (summary)

Software architecture patterns are general, reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software architecture within a given context.

These patterns help architects design software systems by providing proven solutions and best practices for structuring software components and their interactions. We covered the following:

  • Layered (n-tire) pattern
    • Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
  • Client-Server pattern
  • Microservices pattern
  • Event driven pattern
  • Microkernel (plug-in) pattern
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) pattern
  • Pipe and filter pattern
  • Broker pattern
  • Master slave pattern
  • Peer-to-peer pattern

…and how Laravel framework uses these patterns.

Recorded lesson:


Bit Bucket source:

Observe the two branches, ‘master’ and ‘dev’.

All lessons > 


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